Sports day update

An update from Mrs Doherty.

At half past one tomorrow the children will be brought in and registered.

The children can then be dismissed and taken home by parents. Please stay to collect your child at half one! Happy early home time everyone!

Miss Whittaker

Rounders event

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had a good end to the week!

Just a quick message to remind you all that on Monday afternoon we will all be going to a rounders event at Farringdon school.

You will need to have your full school PE kit so if you are missing any/all of it please bring it on Monday!!! Please also bring a bottle of water as it’s going to be nice weather again!!!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Whittaker

Stick insect visitors!

Today we were introduced to our new stick insect visitors! We are all very interested in them and have had a close up look.  We have learned that it’s best not to handle them as we can accidentally damage their legs so we have left them to get comfortable in their new home. Can you spot them in these pictures?