Trip to Washington Wetlands

What a fabulous day we had yesterday! We started the day with an activity called ‘What lives in a pond?’ where we did a pond dip and found lots of different creatures! Neve and Niamh had the best find – a great diving beetle larvae. We then went to Ganderland and fed lots of different types of birds. After that, we went to the hollow wood and did a minibeast hunt and again we had an amazing find! Jared and James found a smooth lizard! Our group leaders were amazed they had managed to catch it!

We also visited the insect garden and the Duckery where there were lots of baby ducks – some which were only two days old, they were so cute!

We learned lots about different habitats and they animals that live in them. Take a look at the pictures of our day.

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Trip information

I am looking forward to tomorrow, it looks like another beautiful day.

With this in mind, please send your child in with the following;

A packed lunch, a couple of drinks, a hat, a light jacket and please apply sun cream before school as we cannot do it once they are here.

All children should come in their normal uniform.


Miss Whittaker

Classifying animals

We have spent this afternoon finding out about the different types of vertebrates and invertebrates as part of our science topic. So far we have looked at classifying animals by habitat and now by their scientific group. We have learned about lots of interesting animals we had never heard of before!

NSPCC assembly

Yesterday we had an assembly with the NSPCC. We heard about how children should speak out and stay safe if they feel worried about anything. We learned how to contact chidline if we need to talk about anything.


This week we have begun our last science topic of the year. We are learning about habitats and we spent some time thinking about different habitats, the animals that live there and how they can survive there.

A message for last years y6

Leavers 2017


We have the books of last year’s year 6 class to collect from school.


If you know of any other parents or pupils that would like these books, please let them know that they are available to collect from the Main Entrance.

They have until Wednesday 27th June, then they will be recycled.



Mrs Smiles

Friendship fortnight

This afternoon we have thought about what friendship is and isn’t, found out some new things about our friends and learned some new games to play with our friends at playtime!!

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Friendship fortnight

We have been doing lots of work on friendship this week. We made compliment cards for each other, it was lovely to see all of the nice things everyone said about us!

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