Reminder for tomorrow

Just a reminder of the information I told the children today!

Children should come to school in their uniform as normal.

They do not need any money, they get an ice cream included in their ticket

Miss Whittaker

Times tables rock stars!

Wow! What an incredible start to our rockstars competition! Alex started us off by being the rock star of the week in great style! Well done Alex.

Everyone had really risen to the challenge! Take a look at the new standings…..

Liam, I am amazed! You are our current top earner!


Christmas concert and party Monday

Monday is going to be a busy day!

Please could children come to school in their normal uniform.

They will also need a Christmas jumper which will need to stay in school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for our dress rehearsal and Christmas performances. Please could these come in a bag with a label to save any confusion.

It is also y3 and y4 Christmas party on Monday afternoon so the children will need some party clothes! They will be able to get changed for the afternoon and they will come home in their party clothes, bringing their uniform home too.

Thank you

Miss Whittaker

Manzini Youth Care

Firstly, thank you to everyone who bought something from the MYC stall at the Christmas fayre. £126.50 was raised, all of which goes directly to MYC and will be gift aided too.

I am especially thankful to the school as this is the first event which had been held for MCY since I have joined the board of trustees. I look forward to being able to tell the board about upcoming events St Leonard’s is organising.

Secondly, over the next week I will be selling raffle tickets. You will be in with a chance of winning this fantastic knitted Father Christmas and Mrs Clause! They are looking for a new home!

The tickets will be £1 a strip and I will announce the winner in Golden assembly next Friday. Good luck!

Miss Whittaker



Carols with KS2

We had a wonderful afternoon singing carols around the Christmas tree. I came away feeling very Christmassy! Thank you to all who came and sang with us, and thank you to Mrs Newton for a lovely idea!

The singing wind

Wow! What an amazing afternoon we had! Chris Bostock and his team made our afternoon magical by telling us stories. We heard stories from the North Wind, the South Wind, the East wind and the West wind and we traveled to many places around the world.

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Science week!

We loved science week, learning about electricity. We learned about renewable and non-renewable ways of generating electricity, how to make a circuit with a bulb, buzzer and motor. Then we looked at how switches work and had lots of fun acting out how electrons move through a circuit. Lastly we learned about electrical conductors and insulators and experimented to see which materials conduct electricity.

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Carols with KS2

Key Stage 2 Parents/ Carers, you are invited into school to celebrate our time of advent beginning. We will gather around our Christmas Tree in the hall and you can join in informally with the carols so we can sing along together. You will be offered a tea light to take into the hall while we sing. We are singing at 2.30pm on Thursday 7th December. We look forward to seeing you there